Semester has Begun!

Simultaneously working a part time job and studying a degree means that I never really get a break. Right this instance I feel as though I am not awake nor asleep.

When I finished high school, there were mere weeks between graduation and the commencement of a full-time summer job. This was where I got my first taste of what it felt like to be hungover and at work. That means I’m a woman now, right?!
I tend to forget that I actually do work fairly hard. It’s probably because my current job is so un-fulfilling. Hashtag university pains. Hashtag I’ve got to stop ‘hastagging’ outside twitter.

So this semester I’m studying Networked media, Broadcast media, Authorship and Narrative in Cinema, and Communication Technologies. I’m quite excited.
I’ve also enrolled into studying  a Diploma of Languages on top of my degree. I’m learning Spanish! Actually, this semester is more of a test run kind of thing. It’s something I’ve never really done before so I could possibly hate it but then again if I could speak Spanish… Woah… the mind wanders. I’m getting a travel boner just thinking about it.

So, if all goes well… In three years time I will have a Degree, a Diploma and just enough money to buy a ticket around the world.

1 more week till I head to Byron Bay for Spledour in the Grass!!