A Week in the Life of Me: Day 7- Tuesday

Woke up at like 5.50AM. Browsed twitter for a bit. Went back to sleep.

Got up at about 10AM for work at 12. Work was BORING!

The Avengers has been in cinemas for ages now. Today I noticed that there are a lot of nice butts in that movie. Someone should make a montage of all the butts in the Avengers. There are seriously so many closeup shots of sexy, athletic, superhero butts!

I’m yet to start watching the current season of True Blood. I forgot it had returned for a while. It’s kind of a good thing though because True Blood episodes are more enjoyable when watched back to back (I don’t handle suspense well).

Was contemplating hitting up a bar with the friends tonight but I chose to wash my hair and watch T.V instead. Work is draining me!!

So this has been 7 days in the life of me. Just an ordinary, average, boring, mostly disappointing week. Sadly, the most exciting thing that happened to me was getting my wallet stolen at a nightclub. Such is life I guess!

Looking back at the lack of action and un-productiveness (that’s not a word) I’ve kind of been inspired to be less lazy and make more of an effort to do something with my life. I need excitement! Excitement will be had!


A Week in the Life of Me: Day 6- Monday

Today I worked 9-5 (what a way to make a living…

…barely getting by)

Forcing myself out of bed this morning was quite a task. You know when you’re so tired that your eyelids turn inside out? Or maybe that’s just me.

I worked solo for the first time today… it was a bit terrifying. I spent a good 10 minutes this morning trying to figure where the light switch was. Yikes.

Then I came home and consumed some media. Nom nom nom media.

My ‘Week in the Life of Me’ is getting exponentially worse.

That was my Monday.

A Week in the Life of Me: Day 5- Sunday

I slept through most of the day again because I was up all night last night watching The Glee Project (awesome show by the way… so trashy and over-dramatic. It’s better than glee I reckon).

I’ve been playing guitar for a while so I had a bit of a solo jam in my bedroom this afternoon. I thought maybe I might try to sing and see what happens because YOLO… right? I whipped out le trusty MacBook Pro and recorded myself on photo booth. Turns out I can’t sing LOL.

I got my work roster for this week and I have a shift everyday. Not happy. Now I’m in a bad mood. Hmph. Short sentences reaffirm my dissatisfaction.

These are some of the reasons I dislike work:
-I’m not allowed to wear nail polish
-My uniform consists of tailored pants and a flared, three quarter length shirt (what is this… the 70s?)
-I have to wear my hair pinned back (I have bangs so pinning back my hair is difficult and unflattering)

Doing this “A Week in the Life of Me” thing has kind of induced a mild existential crisis. Usually, I don’t deeply consider the way I choose to live but now recounting my actions of each day I’m starting to question what exactly I’m doing with my life. Am I wasting time?

Looking back on the week so far (especially the past few days) I’ve not really done anything super productive. I feel like I need to write and create and learn more.

I’m contemplating going to New York City for a solo holiday next year. Maybe even for just a week or two. It’s a pipe dream of mine to obtain a social media internship while over there, but in the back of my head I know that an American company isn’t going to hire an Australian student (despite my charming accent and abilities to file things, enter data and hold multiple coffee cups)


So this is my Sunday.

A Week in the Life of me: Day 4- Saturday

Today I woke up at 1pm. Kinda embarrassing.

Bummed around the house for a couple hours, surfed the web, pumped some tunes etc.

Downloaded Missy Higgins new album… it’s quite wonderful.

Got dressed up and went to a friends gathering for her birthday. Was an early one for me on account of the cold weather and my lack of money.

That was my again, uneventful Saturday

A Week in the Life of Me: Day 3- Friday

Woke up this morning with a hangover and still suffering muscle aches from the other day’s gym workout. Ate some oats and a coffee. Mmm coffee.

Started work at noon and finished at 7. It was a fairly ordinary shift. Nothing interesting. There are a few movies out at the moment that I got a glimpse of that look good.

I was supposed to go to a 90s bar tonight with my mates but because my wallet got stolen yesterday and I had no money, plans had to be changed. Instead we went for an evening coffee and cake date. It was cute.

So that was my (uneventful) Friday.


A Week in the Life of Me: Day 2- Thursday

WARNING: this post will be infested with non-words such as ‘ugh’, ‘argh’ and ‘grr’ and will probably require a significant amount of attention if you wish to decode my verbose, inebriated ramblings.

I woke up this morning at about 11.30AM. Sleeping in was nice. My day consisted of getting an X-ray on my teeth, dropping by a friends place for coffee and then cosmetic shopping.

This evening my friends and I planned to go out clubbing. I hadn’t been for a long time so it seemed like a good idea. We were to meet at my friend’s house at 7.30pm. I spend the most part of my afternoon curling my hair with a straightening iron which by the way, is a near-impossible task. As the afternoon faded I begin to remember why I hadn’t been clubbing in so long.

It was raining outside so finding an appropriate outfit was not an easy task. My bedroom is an utter mess now, with clothes all over the floor. I decided to go with a skirt, tights and a jumper but it was still unbearably freezing outside. I wanted to cancel on my mates but the evening had been planned for a long time and we hadn’t gone out together for a while. The curls in my hair turned into matted frizz in no time. Pre-drinking with the girls was fun. I was in the comfort of a warm home, with nice music and good company.

The taxi arrived to drive us to the club. A friend and I acknowledged each others reluctance but we toughened up and got in the cab. Taxi ride was fun- we were just the right amount of drunk.
When we arrived at the club the line was awfully long. We walked all the way to the back of the line- still happy drunk- so we weren’t so bothered. Time passed us by and we were all busting for the bathroom. We saw the fun in the situation.

As we approached the front of the line we almost couldn’t contain our bladders. Then a bunch of sluts and douchebags cut in front of us and got let straight in. UGH. Exclusiveness makes me angry!
Finally, we got inside and because by that time it was after 11pm, WE HAD TO PAY THE FULL $20 ENTRY FEE. $20 is like one and a half hours of work for me. Rage.

We hit up the D-Floor for a few songs. So far so good… apart from the fact that my whole body was aching from yesterdays gym workout and I made the stupid decision to wear high heels. Also, the place was filled with rain-soaked people who were all up in everyone’s grill. All up in my grill.

We went to the upper floor, back to the lower floor, back to the upper floor, split up for a bit, met back up again. And then I noticed my wallet had been taken right out of my bag. What the fuck!?

I retraced my steps, hoping that it had fallen out and no-one had noticed. Upstairs, downstairs, back up again and then back down. It was nowhere. With all those people brushing past me, somebody must have stolen it. ARGH! I swore at one of the bouncers for a bit and then left the club. I did not want to be in that environment anymore. I left alone and stood in the pouring rain. Perfect.

I stood in the rain for a while before realizing that I’d have to catch a taxi back to my neighborhood alone. Luckily I had my new bank-card in my iPhone case so I’d be able to use that to pay for the fare. My night had turned to ruin so I asked my mother to pick me up halfway from the club to my house (to save about $15). I instructed the driver to pull over in a general location so I could get out and meet my mother there. I was yet to use my new debit card so I assumed that the pin code was the one that they had given me. I’m sure you can tell where this is going- the pin code was incorrect so I was unable to pay for the cab. Fuck. Mother didn’t have her wallet on her so I had to stay in the cab as he followed her car back to our house so we could collect the funds to reimburse him. I had a bit of a teary in the taxi on the way home.

When I got to my bedroom I was glad to be home but still filled with so much rage. I’ve decided that I absolutely hate nightclubs. They are so uncivilized and gross.

I was so angry at my handbag for not keeping my items secure that I ripped it apart. Woops.

I was so angry at my new debit card for not letting me access the funds that I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it to bits. Woops.

Now I’m in bed, I’m still a bit inebriated but I’ve calmed down a bit.

To top off my pain, I have work tomorrow.

Hashtag first world problems.

So that was my Thursday.

A Week in the Life of Me: Day 1 – Wednesday

So I’m beginning to lose inspiration and every time I read my past posts I can’t help but cringe at my… cringyness. In an attempt to immerse myself into the wonderful world of WordPress and hopefully combat my writers block, for the next seven days I shall be posting about my day.
This could be boring for you.
This could be embarrassing for me.
However, I’ll try to keep the posts short and simple (just how I like my men… wait, what?).

I woke up at 9AM this morning for a dentist appointment. Oh golly, this is already bleak… Bare with me. 9AM is a pretty big deal for me on account of the fact that I’m a lazy teenager and it’s semester break and it’s cold outside (so naturally I’m quite the sloth).
I’ve decided I’m going to have my teeth whitened. This impulsive decision has made me realize that I spend money on the most peculiar things. I’m still kind of grieving over last months $200 haircut. I need to do some serious life-reassessments.

After the appointment, I met some ol’ pals for lunch. We sat down at a nice looking cafe and ordered water for the table. At a closer inspection of the menu, we discovered that pricing was way out of our league. By a good $10. So we made the combined decision to dash out, despite the fact that one of my friends went to high school with the waitress that had served us the water. Awkward.
Before we went our separate ways, I initiated a group hug (there were 3 of us) and didn’t let go for a good thirty seconds. I thoroughly enjoy making my friends feel embarrassed in public.

ImageI had my runners (trainers, sneakers, gym shoes… whatever you’d like to call them) In my bag so I decided it would be an appropriate time to break my exercise drought and return to the gym once and for all. Plus, I have been getting repeated text messages from the gym reminding me of my laziness. I was going to take them up on the free personal training session offer and book an appointment after my workout today but there was a fairly attractive man behind the desk and I was afraid he’d judge me for being lazy. But then again… hot guy… he could potentially be the personal trainer… and the personal training session could end with some hands-on stretching. Okay, my mind is wandering now.
I went pretty hard at the gym and I’m going to be pissed if I don’t wake up tomorrow morning feeling the pang in my abs and arms. You know what they say… pain is weakness leaving the body.

This evening I babysat for a few hours so I got to watch some cake shows on pay TV. That was pretty sweet. When I got home I ate a pear and watched tonight’s episode of Offspring. (Offspring is an Australian comedy-drama centred around the life of an obstetrician, her awkward love life and her chaotic family. Maybe I’m biased, but it’s one of my favorite T.V shows at the moment… tears and laughter and the whole sh’bang are induced with each episode.)

So that was my Wednesday.

One Less Lonely Marshmallow

So, I’m staying in a house by the beach for a couple days. It’s a small, brick house and therefore is flipping freezing but on the plus side… there’s a fireplace!

As soon as I arrived here I knew marshmallows had to be got.

So marshmallows were got.

A whole packet.

And a bunch of skewers, too.

As I ventured to experience the deliciousness this evening, I came to the realization that in the past few days I had managed to consume the whole packet and there was only one, lonely marshmallow left.

One soft, pudgy, pink, plump, marshmallow.

To deal with the pain, and prolong the sweet memory, I knew there was only one thing I could do… Instagram it.

Things I’ll be doing over winter break

So, while the other half of the world is enjoying their summer vacation, us Australians are stuck with cold, wet, miserable weather. To top it off, most of the good T.V shows are wrapping up (which kind of gives me more incentive to not become best friends with my electric blanket & kettle). However, because university is awesome… winter holidays are just as long, giving me heaps of time to wind down, wind up and wind sideways.
Here’s what I’ll be doing over winter:

1) Driving- hopefully enough to get my license.

2) Go to the beach- Yes, in winter the coast is friggen freezing, but its also pretty and recluse.

3) Working & making money (snore… one of the perils of being a student. Plus, I kind of want to go to New York next year)

4) Learn a new song on guitarImage

5) The Glee Project & True Blood (enough said)

6) Blog more

7) Apply for a dream work attachment

8) Build up some muscle mass

9) Catch up with old buds

10) Clean my room

11) Bake Brownies