Digital Storytelling: An Interactive Adventure.

For this task I worked with classmate Dan to produce a choose-your-own-adventure, non-linear youtube video. We were inspired by this blogpost which puts into words a girls struggle when forced to choose between two men: one representing time and the other money. Dan and I reconfigured the storyline, stylising it to have a more comical, satirical feel. We decided that three videos would be produced: one whIch introduces the storyline and then at the end of that video two annotations would appear which link to another video, continuing and concluding the story in the way which the viewer decided.

We filmed and edited the whole thing in one evening and given the time constraints, the outcome was fairly good (if you ignore the fact that my acting skills make Kirsten Stewart look outstanding).

We took note of the various digital stories we had researched, and tried out something new. Neither of us had produced a non-linear YouTube video before.

We both promoted the video on our personal FaceBook pages and on Twitter (using the #netmed hashtag). Internet fame here we come!


A Week in the Life of Me: Day 6- Monday

Today I worked 9-5 (what a way to make a living…

…barely getting by)

Forcing myself out of bed this morning was quite a task. You know when you’re so tired that your eyelids turn inside out? Or maybe that’s just me.

I worked solo for the first time today… it was a bit terrifying. I spent a good 10 minutes this morning trying to figure where the light switch was. Yikes.

Then I came home and consumed some media. Nom nom nom media.

My ‘Week in the Life of Me’ is getting exponentially worse.

That was my Monday.

A Week in the Life of Me: Day 5- Sunday

I slept through most of the day again because I was up all night last night watching The Glee Project (awesome show by the way… so trashy and over-dramatic. It’s better than glee I reckon).

I’ve been playing guitar for a while so I had a bit of a solo jam in my bedroom this afternoon. I thought maybe I might try to sing and see what happens because YOLO… right? I whipped out le trusty MacBook Pro and recorded myself on photo booth. Turns out I can’t sing LOL.

I got my work roster for this week and I have a shift everyday. Not happy. Now I’m in a bad mood. Hmph. Short sentences reaffirm my dissatisfaction.

These are some of the reasons I dislike work:
-I’m not allowed to wear nail polish
-My uniform consists of tailored pants and a flared, three quarter length shirt (what is this… the 70s?)
-I have to wear my hair pinned back (I have bangs so pinning back my hair is difficult and unflattering)

Doing this “A Week in the Life of Me” thing has kind of induced a mild existential crisis. Usually, I don’t deeply consider the way I choose to live but now recounting my actions of each day I’m starting to question what exactly I’m doing with my life. Am I wasting time?

Looking back on the week so far (especially the past few days) I’ve not really done anything super productive. I feel like I need to write and create and learn more.

I’m contemplating going to New York City for a solo holiday next year. Maybe even for just a week or two. It’s a pipe dream of mine to obtain a social media internship while over there, but in the back of my head I know that an American company isn’t going to hire an Australian student (despite my charming accent and abilities to file things, enter data and hold multiple coffee cups)


So this is my Sunday.

One Less Lonely Marshmallow

So, I’m staying in a house by the beach for a couple days. It’s a small, brick house and therefore is flipping freezing but on the plus side… there’s a fireplace!

As soon as I arrived here I knew marshmallows had to be got.

So marshmallows were got.

A whole packet.

And a bunch of skewers, too.

As I ventured to experience the deliciousness this evening, I came to the realization that in the past few days I had managed to consume the whole packet and there was only one, lonely marshmallow left.

One soft, pudgy, pink, plump, marshmallow.

To deal with the pain, and prolong the sweet memory, I knew there was only one thing I could do… Instagram it.