My New (Half-of-the)Year Resolutions

New Half of the year Resolutions? Why not wait till Next year?

Well a few reasons actually. I started university this year so I devoted the first half of the year to settling in, finding a job and not really worrying about that whole bettering-myself crap. Also, on account of my inherent ability to put things off, I only thought about purchasing a 2012 diary about a month ago, and by that time all that was left were bloody financial year diaries which don’t start till the 1st of June. So I figure, new diary= new me.

1. (the mandatory) Put more effort into my studies

2. Fix up my sleeping pattern. – Organize my timetable so that class starts in the morning not after midday… afternoons can be spent doing productive things, unlike mornings (which are often spent sleeping). Plus, sleep is for the dead yo

3. Avoid laptopping in bed (damn, its so tempting to laptop in my comfy-ass bed but this lil ol’ habit screws up my sleeping pattern too)

4. Go to the gym more, it’s $70 a month ffs!

5. Put more effort into appearance (this comes with waking up earlier).
…A few weeks ago I randomly felt compelled to attempt winged-liquid eyeliner and by some miracle, it actually worked. Maybe I could make winged eyeliner my thing.

6. Read more.
…I’ve already kind of started doing this. I just started a book called Brida by Paulo Coelho the other day and despite the fact that thus far, the plotline is extremely cringeworthy, it’s a start.

7. Spend less money on coffee… 3 Starbucks a day is a little excessive. Plus, Starbucks coffee isn’t even that good. No, that’s a lie… I’m no coffee connoisseur (as much as I’d like to be) so Starbucks is pretty damn good to me.

8. Get outside more.
…I’m starting to look a little pasty (which is kind of annoying, because now it’s winter in Australia)

9. Attempt some new hobbies/meet new people (gogo dancing or improv classes could be interesting/fun/an experience)

10. Stop being stagnant and start moving forward!

Loves and Dislikes

Loves: Coffee, Pepsi Max, Peppermint Tea, Skins, True Blood (vampire fetish: guilty), Friends and other sitcoms in general, Comedians, Music of all genres, My iPhone, My MacBook Pro, Playing guitar, Too many films to name, New York City, YouTube, Photography, Art, The fact that I’m going to Splendor in the Grass Music and Art festival this year, Laughing, Being inside on a rainy day, Being outside on a hot day, Freudian slips, The smell of tequila, Hoodies, Polaroid pictures, Nachos, Bars, Being home alone, Being around people, Meeting new people, Ticking something off my bucket list, Late-Night television (not that kind you sick fuck! …eh, who am i kidding?) Traveling, Snail Mail, Theatre, The percussive-ness of the word ‘fuck’, Acknowledgement.

Dislikes: How messy I can be, When people use ‘ugly’ as an aesthetic property when describing a person, Hate in general, Douchebags, Hangovers, My stubby fingers, Getting cords stuck in the wheel of my office chair, The price of airline tickets, The words “sold out”, Getting my hair stuck in someone else’s button, Ignorant/ close-minded people, Warm toilet seats, Wet hands, When you try to cut a sandwich in half and the filling comes out, Low battery.