My New Youtube Obsession

Some of my favorite things in the world are Comedy, New York City and YouTube. I spend hours at a time watching Vlogs, shorts, trailers, reviews, how-tos, fails and more. Recently, I discovered a web series, created by two female New-Yorkers, Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer. It’s called Broad City and it gives an insight into what it’s like to be a single and somewhat dysfunctional female 20-something living in the Big Apple (my dream future).

It’s hilarious.

Unfortunately, the camera work and direction isn’t too flash but I can look past that seeing as the two girls pretty much wrote and produced the series more or less on their own. Plus, it’s super quirky and awkwardly funny.

I give it 7/10.
They haven’t posted an episode for about a year now but they’ve been doing a bit of promo stuff lately so I have a feeling that a revamped new season is in store… I’ll definitely be on the look out for that.

Check it out!

A Week in the Life of Me: Day 5- Sunday

I slept through most of the day again because I was up all night last night watching The Glee Project (awesome show by the way… so trashy and over-dramatic. It’s better than glee I reckon).

I’ve been playing guitar for a while so I had a bit of a solo jam in my bedroom this afternoon. I thought maybe I might try to sing and see what happens because YOLO… right? I whipped out le trusty MacBook Pro and recorded myself on photo booth. Turns out I can’t sing LOL.

I got my work roster for this week and I have a shift everyday. Not happy. Now I’m in a bad mood. Hmph. Short sentences reaffirm my dissatisfaction.

These are some of the reasons I dislike work:
-I’m not allowed to wear nail polish
-My uniform consists of tailored pants and a flared, three quarter length shirt (what is this… the 70s?)
-I have to wear my hair pinned back (I have bangs so pinning back my hair is difficult and unflattering)

Doing this “A Week in the Life of Me” thing has kind of induced a mild existential crisis. Usually, I don’t deeply consider the way I choose to live but now recounting my actions of each day I’m starting to question what exactly I’m doing with my life. Am I wasting time?

Looking back on the week so far (especially the past few days) I’ve not really done anything super productive. I feel like I need to write and create and learn more.

I’m contemplating going to New York City for a solo holiday next year. Maybe even for just a week or two. It’s a pipe dream of mine to obtain a social media internship while over there, but in the back of my head I know that an American company isn’t going to hire an Australian student (despite my charming accent and abilities to file things, enter data and hold multiple coffee cups)


So this is my Sunday.

A Week in the Life of me: Day 4- Saturday

Today I woke up at 1pm. Kinda embarrassing.

Bummed around the house for a couple hours, surfed the web, pumped some tunes etc.

Downloaded Missy Higgins new album… it’s quite wonderful.

Got dressed up and went to a friends gathering for her birthday. Was an early one for me on account of the cold weather and my lack of money.

That was my again, uneventful Saturday